B&W Copies $0.10 per page and Color Copies $0.50 per page.
Laminating is done at the library on Wednesday mornings. The charge is $1.00 per running foot. All material for laminating must be in the library on Tuesday by 5:30 p.m.
Reference Services
The library provides free reference service. Finding a fact, date or name can be done via the phone or in person. Guidance is available in-house to students working on school assignments.
Interlibrary Loan
If a particular book you wish to read is not available, we may be able to obtain it from another library. Patrons are responsible for the return postage of borrowed materials.
Public Access Computers
Internet access computers with various software and printing capabilities are available. We currently have 18 public access computers and a 10 computer lab available. For computer use please see the staff at the circulation desk.
Regular printing is $0.10 per page. Color printing is $0.50 per page.
Wi-Fi Availability
Jones Public Library has Wireless Internet Access for library users and/or patrons. Library users with wireless-ready laptop computers can bring their own laptop PCs with them to the library and log on to the Internet. There is no charge for using the Library’s high-speed network connection.
eShelf & Research -
Work and research from the office or from home, anytime:
- TexShare Databases: books, articles, research databases, and more
- Selected Sites: what's good on the Web
- Community Organizations: local, nonprofit groups and services
- Good Reads: book reviews, top sellers, author interviews, and news headlines
Try these databases filled with magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and other materials to help you discover more on any subject, from general interest to business, hobbies, and more. Please see your librarian for a username and password.